Dakota County Technical College  
Blue Knights Athletics
1300 145th Street East
Rosemount, MN 55068
Recruiting Events
Division 1

Boys Program

MN Thunder Academy College ShowcaseDakota County Technical College Mens Soccer is the only scholarship level two year college in the four state area (upper Midwest). We have been consistently ranked in the national top 15 each of the last three years. We play one of the most competitive schedules with national level programs from around the country. The DCTC Blue Knights have traveled to places like Seattle, Florida, Arizona and every state and city in the Midwest. Our goal is to give serious players an opportunity to play a high level right away while earning two years of college credits. The annual tuition at Dakota County is less than $6000 per year and that’s before applying any before scholarship or and financial aid. Most or our players leave DCTC debt free and ready to transfer. Please consider DCTC if you are serious about soccer and college.
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